레딧에서 발견.https://www.reddit.com/r/osx/comments/9xnn6y/is_jitouch_gone/
1. jitouch를 응용 프로그램 폴더로 복사.
2. 시스템 환경설정 -> 보안 및 개인 정보 보호 -> 개인 정보 보호 -> 손쉬운 사용
3. Jitouch가 리스트에 있다면 삭제.
4. 응용프로그램 폴더에 있는 Jitouch.prefPane 파일을 리스트로 드로그 앤 드랍 후 체크박스가 설정되있는지 확인.
5. 시스템 환경설정 -> Jitouch 클릭.
시스템 환경설정은 크래쉬 되나, 화면 위쪽 프롬프트에는 지터치 확인 가능 및 디폴트 기능 동작.
the site is back. I also finally figured out how to get the utility to open on Mojave.
If anyone is having issues getting the Jitouch app to actually open do the following:
drop the "Jitouch.prefPane" in your Applications folder
go to System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy tab->Accessibility
delete Jitouch from the list if it's there
drag the Jitouch.prefPane file from the Applications folder to the list of Accessibility apps and make sure the box is checked.
Go to System Preferences->Jitouch and follow the prompts to allow the app to open
I wrote the above from memory and the only part I'm not 100% sure of is what the prompt says on step 5, but you should be able to figure it out.
If the above doesn't work, delete Jitouch from Users & Groups->Login Items, Security & Privacy->Privacy tab->Accessibility, and then delete the Jitouch Preference Panel itself. Delete com.jitouch.Jitouch.plist in ~/Library/Preferences, reboot and start over with the install.